open graph

Outer Citizen #333

Owned by 0xfb63f2f20e675b9ef5b1d3e59dcbd59cc9e3869a

Upload complete. You fought hard, Outer Citizen. Now let’s make the future ours. Neo Tokyo is a collection of VCs, developers, token founders, and highly proficient builders all gathered in one exclusive area of web3. Our calling at Neo Tokyo is to prepare and be well positioned at the forefront of the metaverse revolution, once it inevitably arrives.

No tags assigned

Eyes Bold

Vehicle Neighborhood Dog

Helm Cheek Implants

Expression Tongue Out

Location Fritata

Class BBQ Bad Ass

Ability None

Race Android

Hair Swoop

Apparel Frat Polo

Nose Bump

Allocation Medium

Gender Male

Weapon New Papers

Cool None

Strength None

Attractiveness None

Tech Skill None

Contract address 0x9b091d2e0bb88ace4fe8f0fab87b93d8ba932ec4

Token ID 333

Chain ID eth

Token Standard ERC721

Neo Tokyo Outer Citizen

Upload complete. You fought hard, Outer Citizen. Now let’s make the future ours. Neo Tokyo is a collection of VCs, developers, token founders, and highly proficient builders all gathered in one exclusive area of web3. Our calling at Neo Tokyo is to prepare and be well positioned at the forefront of the metaverse revolution, once it inevitably arrives.

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