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Gutter Dog #1128

Owned by 0xbf57a3d46e7417c7179359b0d2270501787f6c3b

The year is 2050. Humans are an interplanetary species and have all but abandoned the post-apocalyptic shatters of society on earth. Cats have taken over. One crime-ridden, nondescript inner city is inhabited by a group of cats collectively known as the Gutter Cats. No longer able to rely on the crutch of “man’s best friend” or live in their nice suburban homes, the Gutter Dogs had to move to the inner city and reinvent themselves as “tough guys”. Now, the Dogs spend their days flexing, fighting, and hustling in the streets to make ends meet, trying to figure out a way to make it to the top.

No tags assigned

Fur Camo

Eye Ski Goggles

Shirt White Tank

Background Blue

Earring Gold Stud

Contract address 0x6e9da81ce622fb65abf6a8d8040e460ff2543add

Token ID 1128

Chain ID eth

Token Standard ERC721

Gutter Dogs

The year is 2050. Humans are an interplanetary species and have all but abandoned the post-apocalyptic shatters of society on earth. Cats have taken over. One crime-ridden, nondescript inner city is inhabited by a group of cats collectively known as the Gutter Cats. No longer able to rely on the crutch of “man’s best friend” or live in their nice suburban homes, the Gutter Dogs had to move to the inner city and reinvent themselves as “tough guys”. Now, the Dogs spend their days flexing, fighting, and hustling in the streets to make ends meet, trying to figure out a way to make it to the top.

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