open graph

Invisible Friends #4411

Owned by 0x29807c95cd95f2bec612bb50a92a79bf0ecd6f3c

5,000 animated Invisible Friends hiding in the metaverse. A collection by Markus Magnusson & Random Character Collective.

No tags assigned

Eyes White Glasses

Right Arm Boombox

Background Blue

Hat Turquoise 5 Panel Cap

Feet Cream Slippers

Left Arm Scientist

Legs Lavender Pants

Sleeves Long Sleeves

Upper Body Blue Turtleneck

Suspenders White Suspenders

Contract address 0x59468516a8259058bad1ca5f8f4bff190d30e066

Token ID 4411

Chain ID eth

Token Standard ERC721

Invisible Friends

5,000 animated Invisible Friends hiding in the metaverse. A collection by Markus Magnusson & Random Character Collective.

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