open graph

Moonbear #1183

Owned by 0x7e5962b42612e416d6b030fffbff27d92126fec2

First Omni-Chain NFT with a [DAPP]( Use DAPP to traverse through 7 of the top blockchains. Collection of 4000 Moonbears roaming 7 different blockchains. Stealth launched April 18th. (Any bears not present are on other chains) Dedicated Private TrippyNode (RPC Node) for Holders. (Across all chains) [Moonbears NFT Polygon](

No tags assigned

Eyes Golden

Body Snowy

Headwear None

Background Olive

Eyewear 3D

Mouth Normal

Clothing Purple T Shirt

Contract address 0x3b8420eb6ef77bc25025b32d8205cde2683f979e

Token ID 1183

Chain ID eth

Token Standard ERC721

Moonbears NFT

First Omni-Chain NFT with a [DAPP]( Use DAPP to traverse through 7 of the top blockchains. Collection of 4000 Moonbears roaming 7 different blockchains. Stealth launched April 18th. (Any bears not present are on other chains) Dedicated Private TrippyNode (RPC Node) for Holders. (Across all chains) [Moonbears NFT Polygon](

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